12-19-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

12-19-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

12-19-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Words. What are they to you and how do you use them? Are words just a way to communicate, or are they a way to express deep emotion, ideas, and thoughts that engage others?

I believe that we often forget how powerful words can be. But that power can be both good and bad. Words can be used to lift up, and to tear down. They can be used to inspire, and to belittle. They can be used to praise, and to curse. The power of words can be understood in one way by the realization that their use is specifically addressed three times in the Ten Commandments!

But where words hold the most power, the most value, and the most beauty is in the telling of stories. When we hear ‘stories’ we often think fiction, but stories are also the narratives of history. And it is in the telling of those stories that words teach us, ground us, and keep us connected to our roots and our history. It is through stories, even before the written word, that we evolved as a family of humanity.

The story of Christmas is a story of hope, love, and divine intervention. It is a story that speaks to the very core of our humanity, reminding us of our inherent dignity and worth. In the humble birth of Jesus, we see God’s unwavering love for humanity, a love that knows no bounds. And in that story, St. John writes the most beautiful 25 words ever written by man:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

This love is not an abstract concept. It is a love that calls us to action, that demands we act if we are true believers! It calls us to be instruments of God’s love in the world. As St. Vincent de Paul reminds us, “Charity is not merely a feeling of pity, but a lively sense of the sufferings of others which leads to prompt action.”

As I write this column the week before Christmas, when many of us will gather with loved ones to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I wanted to reflect on the profound meaning of Christmas in the context of our shared experiences and responsibilities as Brothers and Sisters in Christ, navigating a world that is both changing and challenging.

In our increasingly interconnected world, God calls us to be witnesses to his love, not just within our own communities, but also across the globe. As Blessed Frédéric Ozanam said, “Love is not merely a sentiment, but a force of nature, a power which moves the world.” This power of love can transform lives, heal wounds, and bring about lasting peace.

Our country and our world today are marked by division, conflict, and injustice. Yet, the message of Christmas is one of unity, reconciliation, and hope. Jesus came to break down the barriers that divide us, to bridge the gaps between rich and poor, strong, and weak, friend and foe. As we celebrate His birth, let this Christmas season renew our commitment to building a more just and compassionate world, in which every person is valued and respected.

Let us also reflect on the challenges we face as a society. The pandemic, although it seems a long time ago, exposed the deep and ongoing fragility of our world and the inequalities that persist today. Climate change threatens our planet and the well-being of future generations. Amid these challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. However, we must not lose hope. As Christians, we believe in a God who is always present, even in the darkest of times.

The story of Christmas reminds us that God is with us. The name Emmanuel itself means “God With Us.” This is a truth that gives us the courage to face the challenges of our time with faith and determination. Let the example of Mary inspire us. She, who despite her youth and uncertainty, embraced God’s plan for her life. Let us also follow the example of Joseph, who was willing to put aside his own plans to care for Mary and the child Jesus.

As we gather with our families and loved ones this Christmas, let us not forget those who are alone or struggling. Let us reach out to them with compassion and care, offering them a listening ear and a helping hand. Let us also remember those who are suffering from poverty, hunger, and injustice. Let us pray for them and work to alleviate their suffering.

In the words of St. Paul, “Let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at the proper time, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

While our work oftentimes seems overwhelming, and we question whether we are really making a difference, let us not grow weary in our efforts to build a more just and compassionate world. Let us continue to work for peace, justice, and love, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

This Christmas, let us embrace the true meaning of the season — the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us celebrate His love, and let it inspire us to be beacons of hope and love in a world that desperately needs it. May the peace and joy of Christmas fill our hearts and homes, and may we carry this spirit of love and compassion throughout the year.

Debi and I wish you and your loved ones a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!


John Berry
National President

  • A couple of weeks ago, I stopped at a local gas station to fill my car. I could see a younger person dressed in layers and a knit hat in the lot as well. I thought to myself, “I wonder if she is homeless.” When I got out of the car to pump my gas, she came over and said to me, “You remind me a lot of my Mom. My sister and I are homeless and live down by the river. But, St. Vincent de Paul is going to help us.”
    I said, “Wonderful! I am a member of St. Vincent de Paul. We are so sorry that we have run out of funds to help at this time.”
    She walked over to me, held out her hand and said, “Thank you for all you do.”
    As I took her hand in mine, I thought…”We in SVDP seek to see the face of Christ in everyone we serve.’
    “Thank you, Lord, for letting me see your face today.”

  • Mark Durchholz, St. Martin District December 19, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    Thank you, John! Same to you and your family! Thank you for your leadership! Merry Christmas!

  • Beautiful message – beautiful reminder. Thank you John.
    Best wishes for a joy-filled, blessed Christmas.

  • Thank you John for reminding use that Jesus Christs spirit is alive in all of us and that if we keep that in the forefront of our minds we will carry out Gods Love to all of Humanity. Thank you God for giving us Jesus Christ as the reminder that the world is nothing without that sacrifice .

  • Well done, John Berry, I will be sharing your message at our conference’s next meeting. Especially the part about never giving up hope, even when our neighbors’ situations seem overwhelming.

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