Contemplation: Heroic Virtue

Contemplation: Heroic Virtue

Contemplation: Heroic Virtue 800 800 SVDP USA

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development 

The word “courage” often brings to mind images such as a firefighter rushing into a burning house to save a child, or a soldier making his way under fire to help a downed comrade. Among our Vincentian saints and blessed, few examples are more vivid than that of Bl. Rosalie Rendu, who, during the revolution in 1848, climbed atop a barricade in the midst of some of the fiercest fighting in the city, demanding that they cease fire. Just days prior to this, the Archbishop of Paris, attempting a similar act, had been shot dead. For Rosalie, both sides paused in their hostilities.

What is courage, exactly, and in what sense did our holiest Vincentians pray for God to grant it to them? Rosalie prayed to God “to grant me the spirit of faith which will strengthen me in my weakness and give me the courage to make the sacrifices that He asks of me.” [Sullivan, 104] The courage she sought was not to overcome trials or danger, but to overcome her own weakness; to overcome herself.

St. Louise was even more explicit in explaining this, saying “We need great courage to overcome ourselves, although often the things we call trials are more imaginary than real.” [SWLM, L.438] As she understood, it is not the difficulty of the trials that prevents us from acting, since many of them are not even real. Rather, it is our own fear, our own egos.

St. Vincent urged the missioners to “always be very courageous” because otherwise “that cursed spirit of laziness gives up at the smallest contradiction: there’s not the slightest discomfort it doesn’t avoid, no responsibility it doesn’t fear, no satisfaction it doesn’t seek; this self-love ruins everything.” [CCD XI:216] We associate courage with heroism; Vincent associated courage with selflessness. This is not a contradiction, as Rosalie’s great heroism shows. Rather, selflessness is a prerequisite to heroism, and it is the selflessness that requires courage. We recognize this same thing in our military heroes, whose award citations often include some form of the phrase “with complete disregard for his own life and safety.”

Courage is of the heart, which is the Latin root of the word. As Frédéric once put it, “I admire that courage which knows restraint in the face of a stricken family, and that praiseworthy smile which shines like a parting ray in the midst of the most somber thoughts. But I love not less those solitary tears shed in the silent room at the foot of the crucifix…whatever is strong is not what stands stiffly, but what straightens up after bending.” [290, to Amélie, 1841]

The first step towards canonization in our church is the recognition of a life of “heroic virtue,” which doesn’t begin with courage under fire, but with courage to overcome ourselves.


Do I pray for the courage to give more of myself?

Recommended Reading

Amélie Ozanam: A Heart with Much Love to Give

  • Hi, I enjoyed the reading about courage and praying for courage. I was taught and believe that once you receive the Holy spirit, then you receive Power, descernment and courage. The Spirit of GOD has no fear. It is a comforter and a teacher.

  • Please I am a sick lady, I have diabetes, I take 5 insulins a day, and neuropathy in my feet and hands, I have kidney and pancreas problems, my hands and feet are numb and I can’t feel them, I faint and the rescue frequently takes me to the hospital, please help me. I have no way to feed myself, they will cut off my electricity and water services and I have not been able to pay where I live, I am in the process of disability from the department of social security in the final process of medical examination, I need help please in the name of God, I am alone and I am desperate, I have attended the st catherine of sieena conference at 9200 sw 107 th miami florida 33176 urgently seeking help, I have filled out this application, please on my knees I ask for help, will they cut off my services and I will be left on the street! I am a citizen of this country and I worked for many years but now I am very sick and I need help. Wishing you a nice day in the name of God Miriam Gonzalez

  • Thank You, Tim. so true. a constant battle. By the way , that Reply from Miriam Ginzales. what city and State is she in ? and Het phone number. We can all call Her and help Her. Steve Heil Goldsboro, NC. our SVDP phone number is 919-922-4216. thank Yoy.

    • Hi Stephen, and thank you for your compassionate response to Miriam. Unfortunately, although we have replied here on the blog previously, we do not have any email or phone number for her. She appears to be in the Miami area, and I hope she will try to call or visit the Council there while we keep her in our prayers.

  • Good morning. I found the contact information for Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Miami and called them to see if they had been informed of Ms. Gonzalez’s desperate situation. They said they had received the information and gave it to their SVDP conference last Thursday. Since it appears she posted the information on the national SVdP site yesterday it may be that the local conference has not yet connected with her. I asked the lady whom I spoke with to please reach out again to the local conference to make sure they contact her right away.

    • Thank you, Randall. Ms. Gonzalez also reached out to us last week so we connected her with Vincentians in her area at that time. I pray she can find the assistance she’s seeking.

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