Contemplation: Invitation to Grow

Contemplation: Invitation to Grow

Contemplation: Invitation to Grow 1080 1080 SVDP USA

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation & Leadership Development

Why did you join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? And why do you stay? These are two very important questions for every Vincentian to meditate upon from time to time. Membership is a vocation, a calling. Each of us heard a call, but it spoke to each of us differently, based on our own backgrounds, our own motives, our own unique and unrepeatable persons.

Were you drawn by the invitation of a friend, motivated, as we often are, to love what our friends love? We sit through concerts or ball games only because our friend is a fan, and sometimes we also become fans over time. St. Vincent once pointed out an even deeper friendship flows from this tendency, asking, “Can we have a better friend than God? Must we not love all that He loves and, for love of Him, consider our neighbor as our friend!” [CCD XI:39] If you joined because of friendship, is that still the reason that you stay? If you were drawn by something else, have you grown in friendship that keeps you in the Society?

Others, of course, perhaps most of us, heard a call to live our faith in acts of service; we weren’t drawn as strongly to prayer groups or “conference table ministries”. Instead, we wanted, as St. Vincent so famously put it, to “love God…with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows” [CCD XI:32], serving Jesus exactly as he asked us to! After all, aren’t works of charity what the Society is best known for? Yet over time, the work can sometimes be wearying, the calls can be interruptions, the stress we share with our neighbors in need can begin to wear on us. The service may be the reason you joined, but is it the reason you stay? Is it the work itself, or is it something deeper that flows from the work?

Some of us were called by the inspirational example of our patron Saint’s holiness, and truly sought first to deepen our own faith and spirituality by following his example, even as he imitated the example of Christ. If we sought prayer and meditation, we certainly have found it in our Conferences. We are people of prayer. But as you’ve prayed and reflected with fellow Vincentians, have you discovered new levels of friendship? Has your prayer led you to action? Why do you stay?

It is difficult to separate these motives, because they all work so closely together. Our friendship informs our service and becomes part of what we offer to the neighbor. Our encounters with the neighbor, in whom we see Christ, strengthen our faith and spirituality. Our faith grows stronger as it is shared with each other in prayer, reflection, friendship, and service. One of the best ways to continue in this growth is to take the time to reflect on it, and to share our own growth with our fellow Vincentians.

You might say this is essential.


Take some quiet time this week and ponder these questions: why did I join, and why do I stay?

Recommended Writing

Write down your thoughts on these questions, then share them with your fellow Vincentians. Journey together.

  • All of the above as to why I joined and why I stay:
    1. Friend invited me
    2. Service to neighbors in need
    3. Opportunities to pray in a small group

    Additionally, the power of the National Assemblies to draw people from all over, domestic and abroad to share Vincentianism is the strongest fact of remaining a Vincentian for me. If more members were able to go at least once, perhaps establish a grants program for each region to nominate and send a first time member, I believe absolutely we will have an evangelist for our organization. From the moment I attended my first assembly in Providence RI, I knew I was a Vincentian for life.

    • Timothy P. Williams May 13, 2024 at 2:52 pm

      Thank you, Tommye. Wouldn’t it be something if every member were at the next National Assembly? What an assembly of joy that would be!

  • The other day while checking my calendar, I noticed that it was the tenth anniversary of my joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Suddenly, I remembered that there were a lot of things they didn’t tell me when I joined this organization. 

    Like working with selfless persons who devote their skills time and concern to helping others and who eschew recognition and praise.

    That the poor in our midst will not be avoided or marginalized and are to be treated in the manner of the founder, Frederic Ozanam – as Brothers and Sisters. The face of Christ is all around us if we care enough to seek persons in need. 

    That performing our duties for the ministry is not a chore, it is a pleasure.

    And no one even hinted, that to know that to work with our fellow Vincentians is a delight. All of which makes me believe:

    Our People Are Great
    Our Ministry Is A Privilege 
    Our Work Is A Joy.

    SVdP St Francis of Assisi
    Raleigh, NC

    • Timothy P. Williams May 13, 2024 at 2:51 pm

      Thank you, Bob, for sharing this joyful grace you have received from God! The central irony of our vocation is that, while we seek to selflessly give to others, the true benefit ultimately is to ourselves.

  • The other day while checking my calendar, I noticed that it was the tenth anniversary of my joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Suddenly, I remembered that there were a lot of things they didn’t tell me when I joined this organization. 

    Like working with selfless persons who devote their skills time and concern to helping others and who eschew recognition and praise.

    That the poor in our midst will not be avoided or marginalized and are to be treated in the manner of the founder, Frederic Ozanam – as Brothers and Sisters. The face of Christ is all around us if we care enough to seek persons in need. 

    That performing our duties for the ministry is not a chore, it is a pleasure.

    And no one even hinted, that to know that to work with our fellow Vincentians is a delight.All of which makes me believe:

    Our People Are Great
    Our Ministry Is A Privilege 
    Our Work Is A Joy.


  • I offered to make coffee at a SVdP event then was hooked- there is always a lot to do… sometimes you get to do what you like, sometimes you get to do what you are good at, and sometimes you just get to do what needs to be done. It’s always challenging, always get back more than you could possibly give

    this is a wonderful reflection – very thought provoking

  • God has a plan for me and God’s hands and feet here on earth keep me walking in the right direction. I joined because I saw Gods love reflecting out of Rosa Lee our presidents eyes when she asked me if I wanted to sign an interest list. I stay because I see love for our neighbors in every member of our conference.

  • Thank you for this wonderful Contemplation! I plan to have this read and discussed at our Conference meeting next week. Some lovely sharing is sure to result – which I hope to share with you in Phoenix this August!
    God Bless,

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