Systemic Change in Action

Getting Ahead-Helping Single Mothers
1 104 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Belleville Building a Ladder to Success
1 48 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Cardinal Manning Center in Los Angeles has been helping People in Need for over 50 Years
1 24 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Cleveland Job Training Program
1 17 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Dallas Helps Students Excel
1 18 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Detroit Council Journey to Housing
1 42 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Faribault Language Classes
1 8 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Louisville Conference Fosters Family Success
1 16 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Orlando Scholarships
1 20 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Phoenix Conference Helps Students With College Costs
1 15 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
San Mateo Catherine Center Helps Women After Prison
1 15 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
South Bend Food for Thought
1 17 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
Veteran’s Housing Project
1 19 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021
West Virginia Conference Allows People to “Grow Their Own”
1 21 downloads
Systemic Change in Action January 26, 2021

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