52 Things You Could…To Do a Little Good

52 Things You Could…To Do a Little Good

52 Things You Could…To Do a Little Good 1772 1772 SVDP USA

The world we live in can be discouraging and negative. As we start this new year, there are lots of small ways we can become better and do a little good, like our founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.

He started his mission of charity alongside five friends. Do you accept the challenge? Many of the things on this list are simple and should be things we do already, but when completing these good deeds, remember to do them purposefully and with love. Here are 52 things you could… to do a little good throughout the year.

  1. Challenge five friends to complete this list
  2. Donate gently loved clothes
  3. Compliment a stranger
  4. Donate dorm items that are not needed
  5. Write a thank you letter to someone
  6. Make a donation to the poor box
  7. Ask a homeless neighbor their name
  8. Hold the door open for someone
  9. Say a prayer for a struggling family member
  10. Thank a past or present teacher
  11. Let someone go before you in line
  12. Pay for someone’s coffee
  13. Pick up litter when you see it
  14. Thank the cleaning crew
  15. Write a letter to a prisoner
  16. Check in on someone who may be lonely
  17. Leave a positive note for a stranger to find
  18. Thank the staff at the dining hall
  19. Invite someone out for coffee
  20. Say thank you
  21. Clean up after eating
  22. Lend a hand to someone when it’s inconvenient
  23. Sincerely ask someone how they are doing and listen to the answer
  24. Reach out to a friend you haven’t seen in a while
  25. Help a friend study or offer to proofread their essay
  26. Read a book to a child
  27. Write a gratitude list
  28. Let someone else go before you
  29. Leave the good parking spot for someone else
  30. Say a Hail Mary when you see or hear sirens or see a rescue
  31. Speak well of someone when others are not
  32. Pack a snack and note for a homeless person
  33. Visit or call an elderly person
  34. Invite a friend to pray the rosary
  35. Fast from beverages other than water for a day for people struggling with addiction
  36. Buy a hot or cold drink for a homeless person
  37. Pray for the souls in purgatory
  38. Volunteer at a food pantry
  39. Pray for someone who is feeling alone
  40. Invite a friend to Mass
  41. Dedicate time in adoration to pray for others’ needs instead of your own
  42. Pay for the person behind you in line
  43. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
  44. Send someone a TikTok or meme to brighten their day
  45. Leave a bigger tip than you normally would
  46. Spend time with your grandparents or an elderly person
  47. Return the shopping cart, instead of leaving it astray
  48. Shop at your local SVdP Thrift Store
  49. Make an effort to be kind to someone you don’t always get along with
  50. Offer your time and talent to an outreach program at your parish
  51. Replace your mean thought with something positive
  52. Write a card to a child in the hospital

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