Week in Prayers

Week in Prayers April 3 – April 7

Week in Prayers April 3 – April 7 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 3

Lord, grant me the virtue of simplicity
In my life and in my words.
Animated by love of the Holy Spirit,
With full faith in the Truth of Your Word,
May my honesty reveal You to all.
And may I never be separated from You
By my own pretense or falsehood.

Tuesday, April 4

Lord Jesus, in my heart of hearts,
Deep within my soul,
In every fiber of my being,
Help me to follow Your way.

Wednesday, April 5

When I stand tall with undeserved pride,
Help me, Lord Jesus, to kneel.
When I am brought low by the things of this world,
Help me, Lord Jesus, to stand.
When I’m at a loss for the right words to say,
Lord Jesus, hear my prayer.

Thursday, April 6 (Holy Thursday)

Lord Jesus,
In Your infinitely creative love
You share Your true presence
In bread and wine.
May it remind me that through
The anointing of my Baptism,
I also am sent
To bring glad tidings to the lowly,
To heal the brokenhearted,
To comfort those that mourn,
Not to be served, but to serve.

Friday, April 7 (Good Friday)

Lord Jesus, lead, and I will follow,
Taking up my cross daily,
And bearing its weight gladly,
No matter how difficult.
For the pathway is narrow
That leads to the Kingdom
But it is marked
By the sign of the cross.

Saturday, April 8 (Holy Saturday)

Lord Jesus,
Fully divine and fully human,
You fully revealed my nature
And my calling
Through Your life on earth.
You fully paid the price for my sins
By Your suffering
And death on the cross.
Lead me into Life, Lord Jesus.

Sunday, April 9 (Easter Sunday)

Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
So that I may follow Your way!
Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
Your truth is as bright as the day!
Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
Like the weight of all sorrows and strife!
Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
Lead me from death into life!

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers March 20 – March 24

A Week in Prayers March 20 – March 24 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, March 20

To do Your will at all times, Lord,
To serve You in the poor,
To let You in to dine
When you knock upon the door.

To see You and to serve You,
With zeal and without fear,
My efforts do not tire me,
My heart is filled with cheer!

Tuesday, March 21

Help me, Lord,
To trust in Your providence,
Abandoning my own will,
Desiring nothing
But to do Your will.
Help me to become holy.

Wednesday, March 22

I will go and serve, Lord,
In Your name and for Your sake.
Outside of my home and comfort,
Outside of my selfish desires,
Outside of myself, my God.
For the love of the neighbor,
In the name of my Savior,
I will go and serve.

Thursday, March 23

Let me be Your light, Lord,
Let me be Your hands.
For thine is the kingdom,
And mine is the mission
To serve for Your love alone.

Friday, March 24

Lord, in my sadness,
Grant me Your comfort.
Lord, in my comfort,
Grant me Your joy.
Lord, in my joy,
Grant me Your peace.
Lord in my peace,
Teach me to comfort.
As You have comforted me.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers February 27 – March 3

A Week in Prayers February 27 – March 3 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 27

Lord, help me to see You
In the hungry
In the poor
In the stranger
Help me to serve You
Help me to know You

Tuesday, February 28

Father in heaven,
You know my innermost needs.
Help me to have a forgiving heart.
Fill me with the love
That embraces and welcomes
The neighbor into Your kingdom.

Wednesday, March 1

Lord, look within my heart,
A heart that is humble and contrite,
Seeking but not deserving Your grace.
Open my heart, fill it with Your love.
Fill me to overflowing,
So that in the love I share
Others may know and come to You.

Thursday, March 2

Lord, help me to hear
The cry of the poor
Knocking at my door
Asking for help
Just as You, Lord,
Hear my prayers
Offered and repeated
In faith
Fill my heart with the love
That answers.

Friday, March 3

Lord open my eyes to see You
On the cross and in the poor
As You knock upon my door

Lord open my ears to hear You
Like the wind upon the deep
That calls me from my sleep

Lord lift me from my slumber
I in You, and You in me
That I may live, and move, and be.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers February 20 – February 24

A Week in Prayers February 20 – February 24 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 20

Turn my heart, O Lord,
Give me the faith that never doubts,
That never complains,
That never expects.
Give me the faith that knows,
The faith that loves,
The faith that is shared.

Tuesday, February 21

Lord bless those who are in need
Who thirst in the heat
Who shiver at night
Who ache with hunger
Who long for work
Whose voice is unheard
Let me be Your blessing

Wednesday, February 22

I praise You, Lord, in my heart,
I pray from the depths of my soul.
With the strength of my arms,
I profess Your truth.
With all of my back,
Every drop of sweat,
May my works be done
For Your sake.

Thursday, February 23

Lord Jesus, for my salvation
You have suffered, died, and risen.
Help me to serve
In memory of Your suffering,
Live in the light of Your sacrifice,
And share the hope of eternal life.

Friday, February 24

My Lord and my God,
I seek only the glory and the beauty
Of Your Word and Your works.
Your great light guides me, Lord,
So that I no longer wander lost
In this valley of tears,
But walk in hope and in joy
To You.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers January 16 – January 20

A Week in Prayers January 16 – January 20 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, January 16

My Lord and my God
My light and my hope
My rest and my strength
I give You my heart
I give You my life
I give You this day

Tuesday, January 17

Lord Jesus, strength of my arms,
I will share the neighbor’s burden
In Your name and for Your sake,
With no motive but God’s love,
With my gifts from You alone,
Filled with hope that I can share.

Wednesday, January 18

Lord, I lift my heart to you.
Who I am today is for You,
What I do today is for You,
When my day begins it’s for You,
Where I go today is for You,
Why I live today is for You.

Thursday, January 19

Lord, I bring my needs to you.
Protect me from harm,
Bless my efforts and my work,
Help me to be better,
In big things and small things,
For nothing is too small
For Your blessing
Or my prayer.

Friday, January 20

Lord, in serving the neighbor
I seek to serve You
With faith that reflects
Your abiding faithfulness,
In hope that is shared
With all who are hopeless,
For love of the neighbor,
In Your love alone.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers November 21 – November 25

A Week in Prayers November 21 – November 25 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, November 21

Lord Jesus,
Help me to give of my time and myself,
To serve the neighbor in need;
To give from my poverty or from my wealth,
My two small coins, my second coat,
And the love of the Lord above.

Tuesday, November 22

Jesus, Son of Man,
Whose chose not power,
But poverty for Yourself,
Loving and serving the poor,
Help me to follow Your Way
In faith.

Jesus, Son of God,
You followed the Will
Of the Father,
Even unto death.
Help me see the Truth
With hope.

Jesus, Lord and Savior,
Whose love is everlasting!
Through the cross
And resurrection,
You lead me to new Life
In love.

Wednesday, November 23

Father, forgive me,
Show me Your mercy,
Send me Your spirit of love.
Your grace makes me whole,
And with all of creation,
I rejoice like the angels above.

Thursday, November 24

In the quiet of the morning, Lord,
As day slips out of night,
Your blessings fall upon me
Like the slowly growing light.

I thank you for my talents, Lord,
I thank you for my faults,
For all I thought I should have had
But am better off without

More gifts you’ve given me, O Lord,
Than one alone could bear,
But all that I’ve received, O Lord,
You’ve given me to share.

Friday, November 25

In Your name, O Lord,
I offer prayers of thanks.
For all that I am, all that I have,
And all I will ever be.
I am humbled
By Your great love for me,
That brings such peace
To my heart.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers November 14 – November 18

A Week in Prayers November 14 – November 18 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, November 14

Lord Jesus,
You are the light of the world.
Lead me from darkness,
Fill me with the light of Your love
Let it shine forth from me
In all that I do in Your name.

Tuesday, November 15

Light of the World, fall upon me,
Awaken me from my slumber.
As sure as the flowers
Unfold in the sun
My heart is turned toward You

Wednesday, November 16

O Lord these gifts You have given me,
My time, my talents, myself,
And even my worldly possessions,
Remain mine and even grow
Only as I give them away,
In Your name and for Your sake.

Thursday, November 17

O God, Creator of all,
I seek to do Your will.
Speak to me, Lord,
Through the people I meet,
Through events before me,
Through a tiny whisper in the storm.
Your servant is listening
With an open heart.

Friday, November 18

How will I love the neighbor, Lord?
With the same love I give to You.
From the depths of my soul,
With all of my heart,
And with all the work that I do.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

The Week in Prayers: October 3 – October 7

The Week in Prayers: October 3 – October 7 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, October 3

Lord, I have seen You
In the ones who stop,
The ones who serve,
The ones who show mercy.
With Your help
I will go and do likewise.

Tuesday, October 4

Lord, strengthen me in conviction.
Grant me the vision to see You
In the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.
Help me to nurture the seed of sanctity
That You planted in my heart
I seek only to do Your will.

Wednesday, October 5

Father in heaven,
Fill me with the joy
Of making Your will my own
I give myself to You fully
As You gave Your Son to me

Thursday, October 6

Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.
I pray that You hear me knocking,
For You have invited me here.
Like the neighbor who invites me,
To give and receive,
In the great hope
That cannot be destroyed.
Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.

Friday, October 7

Lord, in Your name
Help me to cast out poverty
To cast out hunger
To cast out suffering
To cast out doubt and fear
To cast out all that separates
Your people from You
Replacing it with hope
And with the love of God
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers: September 26 – 30

A Week in Prayers: September 26 – 30 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, September 26

Lord, I thank You
For the gifts You have given me
For all that I have
And all that I am
Given to be shared

Tuesday, September 27

Pray for us, St Vincent de Paul
That we may love God as You did
With the strength of our arms
And the sweat of our brows
Never hesitating to do the hard work

Pray for us, St Vincent de Paul
That we may always be gentle
With the neighbors we serve
Offering our smiles and good cheer
For in them we see and serve Christ

Pray for us, St Vincent de Paul

Wednesday, September 28

Lord Jesus, lead me
Away from worldly distractions
That tug at my sleeve
Or stand in my way,
Diverting my attention
From the kingdom.
Lead me, Lord Jesus,
I seek to follow.

Thursday, September 29

Lord, in Your name
I will seek out and find
The poor and the suffering
Lord, for Your sake
I will give my time, my talents,
My possessions, and myself
Lord, by Your grace
I will be a humble servant
And cheerful giver
Lord, with Your love
I will be filled
Even as I share it

Friday, September 30

Thank You, Lord,
For all that I am,
For the gifts I do not deserve,
Given by You
To be shared with all.
I will empty myself,
My Lord,
To be filled with Your light
And Your love,
Only to share that, too.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22

Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, July 18:

Through calm and through storms,
In all times and seasons,
Your word is written on my heart, O God.
You are with me always,
And I will not be afraid.

Tuesday, July 19:

Lord, I do not pray for certainty
In the things of this world
But with certain faith
In the kingdom beyond this world
In the hope
Of everlasting life
And in the love
That gives of itself without diminishing.

Wednesday, July 20:

Lord plant Your word within me
As on rich soil
And may my works be the fruit
Yielded a hundredfold
In Your name
And for Your sake

Thursday, July 21:

Thank You, Lord for all You have given me
My ears to hear Your word, O Lord,
My eyes to see Your truth,
My very self to do Your will
With gratitude and joy.

Friday, July 22:

Lord help me to be gentle
Let Your love light my smile
Not hidden beneath a bushel
But shining before the world
Offering my heart to the neighbor

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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