
09-05-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-05-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Last Saturday, the Gospel reading for the day was Matthew 25:14-30. In that reading, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents, illustrating the importance of utilizing and growing the gifts entrusted to us. In the Parable, a master entrusts his servants with talents (a form of money) before going on a journey. Two of the servants invest their talents and double their value, while the third buries his talent, fearing loss. Upon the master’s return, he rewards the first two servants and rebukes the third for his laziness.

While I’m not a theologian, I think that this Parable can provide us with great lessons in two areas that are very specific to the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. One is in the area of Fundraising and Development, and the other is in the area of Membership Recruitment and Development.

This Parable is more than a lesson about personal responsibility and risk-taking; it has great teachings for charitable organizations like ours in our approach to fundraising and development. Like the talents in the parable, we are entrusted with resources that must be used effectively to fulfill their mission of serving those in need. The way we manage these resources can significantly impact our ability to achieve our goals and expand our reach. And like the talents entrusted to the servants, we are given resources — donations, grants, and volunteer support — that are meant to be invested wisely. To effectively serve those in need, we must not only manage our resources, but actively seek to grow them.

The lesson from the Parable is the importance of investing in fundraising and development. As the first two servants invested their talents to increase their value, we must view fundraising not as a mere necessity, but as a strategic investment in their future. This involves creating and implementing innovative fundraising strategies that go beyond traditional methods. Investment in professional development, donor relations, and marketing is crucial. It means allocating resources towards hiring skilled staff, investing in training programs, and utilizing data-driven approaches to understand and engage with donors effectively.

Investment in fundraising is akin to the wise investments made by the first two servants. It requires a strategic vision and a willingness to take calculated risks. Charitable organizations should view fundraising not just as a necessity, but as an opportunity to expand their reach and impact. This involves innovative strategies, robust development plans, and continuous engagement with donors. By investing in these areas, organizations like ours can multiply their resources and enhance their ability to make a difference.

Moreover, the goal of these investments is to better serve those in need. Just as the master in the Parable rewards the servants who actively increased their talents, donors and supporters are more likely to invest in organizations that demonstrate effective use of resources. This not only ensures the sustainability of the organization, but also maximizes its impact on the community.

In essence, the Parable of the Talents encourages us to see resources as opportunities for growth and impact. By investing wisely in fundraising and development, we can better fulfill our mission and serve those in need. The challenge, then, is to embrace the responsibility of these resources and use them to their fullest potential, ensuring that the fruits of our labor reflect our ultimate goal: compassionate service and community transformation.

Furthermore, effective fundraising and development require a proactive approach. The third servant’s inaction led to his downfall, a stark reminder of the consequences of neglect. Charitable organizations must be proactive in engaging with potential donors, developing strong relationships, and continually assessing and refining our strategies. Regular communication with supporters, transparent reporting on the impact of their contributions, and showing appreciation for their support can build trust and encourage continued investment.

Another important aspect of this Parable is the alignment of resources with the mission. The master praised the servants who made the most of their talents, suggesting that effectiveness is measured by how well resources are used to advance the mission. Charitable organizations should ensure that their fundraising efforts are directly aligned with their mission and goals. This involves clearly communicating how funds will be used and demonstrating tangible outcomes from donations. By showing donors the real impact of their contributions, we can foster a deeper sense of connection and commitment.

The second area, Membership Recruitment and Development, is not just about filling positions; it’s about fostering growth and ensuring sustainability. The third servant’s decision to bury his talent represents a failure to engage with the resources available, driven by fear or complacency. Similarly, organizations that neglect recruitment may find themselves stagnant, unable to adapt to new challenges, or missing out on innovative ideas. By continually bringing  in new people, we can infuse our efforts with renewed passion, diverse skills, and innovative approaches, all of which are crucial for adapting to changing needs and achieving long-term success.

Moreover, recruitment should be seen as an investment in our future. The master in the Parable expects that the talents entrusted to the servants will grow. In the same way, we must view recruitment as an investment in our capacity to serve. New Vincentians bring not only immediate benefits — but also long-term potential. Whether it’s a new fundraiser with a talent for engaging donors, a volunteer with a passion for ENCOUNTER with those we serve, or a board member with strategic expertise, each new person contributes to our ability to make a greater impact.

Effective recruitment also involves communicating our vision and demonstrating the value of contributing to the organization’s mission. Just as the master’s expectations and rewards motivated the servants, making sure that the Society’s mission and vision are understood by those who join with us is critical to attracting and retaining the right individuals to SVdP.

Finally, the Parable underscores the necessity of managing resources wisely. The master praised the servants who used their talents to create more, indicating that success comes from effective and strategic use of what we have. In recruitment, this means not only attracting new talent, but also integrating and supporting them effectively within the organization. Proper onboarding, training, and engagement are crucial to ensuring that new recruits are empowered to contribute meaningfully and feel valued in their roles.

The Parable of the Talents is one that we probably listened to many times. But putting it in the context of our work at SVdP might give you a different perspective.

Peace and God’s blessings,

11-30-23 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-30-23 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Be Like Vincent

One of the many things I learned from Deacon Gene Smith, former President of the National Council, is that Vincent de Paul was actually a fundraiser. And not just a part-time, run-of-the-mill fundraiser, but one who set the standard for all of us.

So how do we non-saints (at least, that term applies to me) go about raising money to support our Conferences and those in need? After all, most of us are not professional fundraisers. It starts by creating a culture of philanthropy in your Conferences and Councils. I have seen firsthand how this type of culture can significantly increase funding — but only when people and organizations have the genuine desire to do so.

Where do we begin if we want to “Be Like Vincent?”

First: Become a Storyteller. Not just any storyteller, but someone who passionately shares with others the exceptional work of your Conference and/or Council. Tell people about the single mother you visited this week — how she is working two jobs and is still not able to pay her rent and utility bills because one of her young children has ongoing medical expenses. Talk about the veteran who skips meals in order to pay his rent, and the recently unemployed father who is desperately seeking work. These individuals would likely all become homeless if not for our efforts.

Although we might think we don’t have many stories to share, in fact, the stories are too numerous to count. Take a moment to reflect on the people you have met in just the last few days — I’m certain you’ll recall a story. I have often heard people say, “If only I had known about…. (fill in the blank) I would have gladly helped.” Let’s make sure they do know. We can tell our stories in-person, from the pulpit, during meals with friends and colleagues, in parish bulletins, in local newspapers, emails, mailings — the opportunities are virtually endless. The key is, we have to be willing to share the work we do as Vincentians with others. We simply must.

Second: Ask. Yes, ask. We cannot be afraid to ask others, anyone, everyone, if they would be willing to help a neighbor in need. Our true calling as Vincentians is to ask others to support our work. Some will say no, but think of how wonderful it is when someone says, “I’d love to help.” Not only are we then able to help more people in more ways, but we have also given the donor the opportunity to experience the joy and the satisfaction that comes with helping another person.

Few things bring as much fulfillment as knowing that our efforts made a real difference in the life of another. While I can still get nervous when asking someone for a gift to support St. Vincent de Paul, reciting the simple prayer “Come, Holy Spirit” reminds me that this is not about me. It’s never about me. It is between God and the other person. And even when someone says no, I’ve come to understand that many times, a no is simply a “not today.” Often at a later date, we receive a gift from that initial “no,” and it is sometimes far greater than anything we would have imagined.

Third: Say Thank YOU. Showing appreciation and gratitude — sharing with a donor how she or he made a “real difference” in the life of another person. Saying Thank YOU in person, on the phone, via email, and maybe best of all, through (multiple) handwritten notes, is essential. It is almost impossible to show too much gratitude, yet very easy to show too little.

I have never heard a person express unhappiness for being thanked multiple times. But I can’t begin to count the number of times when someone shared disappointment about being overlooked. An unexpected thank you letter, especially months later after a gift, provides another opportunity to “story tell” about how an individual’s contribution helped change lives and/or save lives. This is one of the greatest blessings we can provide to our donors. Additionally, showing genuine gratitude goes a long way toward helping secure future gifts, larger gifts, monthly gifts, planned gifts, and even estate gifts.

Creating this culture of philanthropy isn’t difficult, but it does take a real commitment. It doesn’t require an advanced degree or a high-priced consultant to be successful — what it does require is a Vincentian desire, to Be Like Vincent, to continue his legacy, and to become our own hero using the three steps to guide you:

  • share stories
  • ask others
  • show gratitude.

I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes, from the movie A League of Their Own, when Tom Hanks (Jimmy) tells Geena Davis (Dottie; who just informed him that she was quitting the baseball team he manages because it got too hard):

It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.

If every Vincentian told one story each week (just one) and asked one person each week to support our mission (just one) and wrote one thank you letter each week (just one) — countless new individuals would become part of our Vincentian family, enabling us to serve more people. We would change our community. We would change our country. We would change our world. Think of how proud Vincent de Paul would be with each of us.

Please let me know how you are doing. Call or email me, I really mean that. I can be reached at (480) 556-7122 or  I’d love to hear from you, learn from you, and offer any thoughts or suggestions as each of us strives to “Be Like Vincent.”

Advent and Christmas blessings, and a prosperous New Year — may this be one of those resolutions we really do keep.

God Bless,
Steve Zabilski
2nd Vice President and Chair of the National Development and Communications Committee

Friends of the Poor Walk

Friends of the Poor Walk/Run: A Step Towards Eliminating Poverty

Friends of the Poor Walk/Run: A Step Towards Eliminating Poverty 800 533 SVDP USA

Now in its 14th year, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run is an annual event that provides local Vincentian Conferences and Councils with an opportunity to raise funds and awareness to support neighbors in need. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

The nationwide event raises awareness of the challenges faced by neighbors in need. At over 200 Walk locations across the country, more than 20,000 Vincentians, parishioners, families, and friends join together to support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Annually, over $3.4 million is raised each year.

Benefits of Hosting a Walk

While many Conferences and Councils are avid supporters of the Walk, others may be new to the program. Here are some of the benefits of hosting a Friends of the Poor Walk/Run:

  • Generating funds for direct service to people living in poverty in your community.
  • Increasing awareness regarding the challenges faced by neighbors in need.
  • Enhancing visibility and reputation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
  • Involving your parish, neighbors, and friends, family, and community in helping men, women and children in need in your area.
  • Cultivating new and existing members and donors.

Says Nathan Martin, who manages the program nationally, “The National Friends of the Poor Walk is an excellent way to raise awareness of the issues surrounding poverty, while at the same time raising money to help neighbors in need.”

To learn more about the Friends of the Poor® Walk Program, please contact National Director of Fundraising Programs Nathan Martin by emailing him at the link above, or by calling (314) 576-3993 ext. 218. Or visit the Walk website:

help the needy

Will You Help the Friends of the Poor?

Will You Help the Friends of the Poor? 2560 1707 SVDP USA

At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, many of our nearly 4,500 Conferences and Councils across the United States have felt the financial effects of COVID-19. Some are seeing up to a 300% increase in need for food alone! And with 10 million Americans currently behind in rent payments, we expect a similar increase in demand for rent assistance in coming months, regardless of eviction moratoriums and government help.

By making a gift to the Friends of the Poor Grant Fund, you will provide emergency funding for local St. Vincent de Paul Conferences and Councils, to help Vincentian volunteers meet the growing demand for food and other basic emergency needs.

Will you donate today to the Friends of the Poor program? Your financial support is crucial and will allow Vincentian volunteers to bring the hope of the Gospel, answering Christ’s call to his disciples in Mathew 25: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.”

Your Donation Makes a Difference 

Please donate today at You will be helping those most impacted by COVID-19.
Thank you, and may Christ’s presence fill your hearts this most sacred time of year.

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