chronicles of betty

SVdP Phoenix Launches Four New Podcast Series

SVdP Phoenix Launches Four New Podcast Series 900 900 SVDP USA

With nearly 100,000 members across the United States, serving in more than 4,400 parishes across the country, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is sometimes called “the best kept secret of the Catholic Church.” One Diocesan Council in Arizona aims to change that, by launching four new podcast series that will share just some of their work serving neighbors in need.

The SVdP Phoenix Diocesan Council has over 3,000 active and associate Vincentian members, and more than 6,000 volunteers. Together, they serve thousands of neighbors in need throughout Phoenix and the larger central and northern Arizona communities via 15 flagship service programs.

One such program is the Virginia G. Piper Dental Clinic, led for 23 years by Dr. Ken Snyder, a beloved member of the SVdP community. Dr. Ken is spearheading the new podcast venture to help raising awareness for the work being done by the Society. The four new titles include:

  • Ryan, Coop and the Doc Talk Sports and Teeth. With new episodes every Tuesday, this podcast features longtime Phoenix Channel 12 sportscaster Bruce Cooper, Chief Strategy Officer Ryan Corry, and Dr. Ken himself.
  • The Chronicles of Betty. This podcast, with new episodes released every Thursday, follows the journey of Betty Contreras, who came to the U. S. on her own at just 11 years old. She’s been a Dental Assistant at at the Virginia G. Piper Dental Clinic for 20 years and has been studying and learning the entire time. Betty now needs one more class and she can apply to Dental School. 
  •  Betzy’s Journal. Dr. Betzy Leyva, who came to the Dental Clinic out of high school, where she trained as a Dental Assistant. After 11 years, taking courses while working full time, she was accepted into the Midwestern School of Dentistry. When she graduated, the faculty awarded her the “Golden Hands Award” out of 140 students. Betzy now works at at the Phoenix SVdP Dental Clinic two days a week and in private practice three days a week. New episodes will post every other Wednesday.
  • The Happiness Factor. With new episodes every Friday, Dr. Ken will  explore the God Given gifts of Humor, Laughter, and Play and how we can use them in our professional and personal lives to be happier, healthier, and more productive.

All of the podcasts invite listeners to join the Virginia G. Piper Dental Clinic’s mission of providing quality and comprehensive dental care to underserved men, women, and children.

All podcasts are currently available on Dr. Ken’s YouTube page.


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