SVdP Prayer of the Day

A Week in Prayers March 6 – March 10

A Week in Prayers March 6 – March 10 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, March 6

Lord be with me
For all my days
Hear my voice
Hear my heart
Calling out to You
Grant me Your peace, O Lord

Tuesday, March 7

Lord Jesus, I will follow,
In Your footsteps I will walk,
Humble, not exalted,
A servant, as You taught.

Wednesday, March 8

God of my fathers
Create me anew
Like the rays of the sunrise

Live within me, Lord Jesus,
Replacing myself,
With the life
And the light of the world.

Thursday, March 9

Lord I pray for those alone and outside,
Without comfort, without food,
With their lives entirely in Your hands.
Help me to see them and to know them.
Embolden and soften my heart.
Let me be Your hands.

Friday, March 10

My Lord and my God,
Light of the world,
Shine upon me in Your mercy.
In all that I do,
In all that I am,
Shine upon me in Your love.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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