giving tuesday

Prayer for Giving Tuesday

Prayer for Giving Tuesday 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Lord Jesus, by Your great sacrifice,
You offered the greatest love
That anyone can offer to another.
Help me to love.
Help me to give.
Help me to share of myself.

Lord Jesus, you healed the sick,
Gave sight to the blind,
And multiplied scraps to feed thousands.
Lead me to help.
Lead me to give.
Lead me to share what I have.

Lord Jesus, You call me to see You
In the hungry, the poor, the forgotten,
And all those who suffer.
Inspire me to hope.
Inspire me to give.
Inspire me to lift up the despairing.

With abundance, O Lord,
You have graced my life;
My time, my talents, my possessions,
My very self, the gift of life;
All this and more You have given me
Not to be hidden under a bushel,
But to shine forth upon all.

It is only through my sharing
Of all that I’ve received
That Your gifts remain as gifts.
May my sharing be my prayer,
May my giving be my thanks,
And through my love
May You be known.


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