founders award

National Foundation Honors Deacon Gene Smith With Founders’ Award

National Foundation Honors Deacon Gene Smith With Founders’ Award 1024 683 SVDP USA

At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s recent National Assembly in St. Louis, the SVdP National Foundation honored former National President Deacon Gene Smith with the Founder’s Award.

The National Foundation works to support the work of the National Council and strengthens the Vincentian network of charity through financial support and other endeavors. Their award recognizes Smith’s exceptional service and outstanding contributions to the National Council of the United States, Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Smith served a six-year term as National President from 1999 to 2005. Among the hallmarks of his presidency, Smith let the Society through its first strategic plan, and helped implement the Society’s first formal mission statement. He also oversaw establishment of the Voice of the Poor Committee, developed “to uphold Catholic social teaching by researching, validating, documenting, advocating, and promulgating issues related to the condition of the poor and disenfranchised.”

Congratulations, Gene! We thank you for your service and devotion to the Society.

SVdP National Foundation Honors Bishop John Quinn With Founder’s Award

SVdP National Foundation Honors Bishop John Quinn With Founder’s Award 1694 1125 SVDP USA

At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s recent National Assembly in Baltimore, the SVdP National Foundation honored recently retired Bishop John Quinn with its Inaugural Founder’s Award.

The award recognizes Bishop Quinn’s exceptional service and outstanding contributions to the National Council of the United States, Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Bishop Quinn was enthusiastically chosen as the inaugural recipient of the award, which will be given by the National Foundation annually going forward.

“Like the Society’s original founders, Frédéric Ozanam and his friends, Bishop Quinn’s contributions have had a lasting impact on SVdP, and he has left a legacy of faith and service,” said Chief Advancement Officer Ryan Carney.

Bishop Quinn served the Society of St. Vincent de Paul as its National Episcopal Advisor for 12 years, helping to advance the Society and champion its mission to his brother Bishops. A beloved figure within the Society, he also spiritually fed and guided the Society’s leaders and Vincentian volunteers during that time.

More recently, he has served as Spiritual Advisor to the National Foundation, which works to support the work of the National Council and strengthens the Vincentian network of charity through financial support and other endeavors.

Bishop Quinn recently retired as Bishop of Winona-Rochester, but will continue to advise and support the work of the National Foundation.

Congratulations, Bishop Quinn! We thank you for your service and devotion to the Society.

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