
Nuestra Diversidad Refleja Nuestra Fortaleza

Nuestra Diversidad Refleja Nuestra Fortaleza 715 531 SVDP USA

La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl es estupenda porque está formada por personas de muchas culturas y razas. Venimos de diferentes caminos de la vida y muchos puntos de vista. Nuestra diversidad, como la de la nación, refleja nuestra fortaleza. Incluso nuestra fe católica nos manda acoger la diversidad  porque la misma palabra “católico” significa “universal.”

Si bien tratar de comunicarse a través de estas muchas diferencias puede ser un desafío, la recompensa es una organización más fuerte y resistente. Los Vicentinos vemos el rostro de Cristo en cada uno de nosotros tanto como lo vemos a Él en aquellos a quienes servimos.

Le invitamos a poner su fe en acción y servicio con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. Envíenos un correo electrónico si desea obtener más información sobre cómo asociarse con la Sociedad al servicio de su comunidad.


Pam Matambanadzo
Encargada del Comité Nacional Multicultural y de Diversidad
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl

Espiritualidad, Amistad, y Servicio con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul

Espiritualidad, Amistad, y Servicio con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul 900 900 SVDP USA

Fundada en París en 1833 por un grupo de estudiantes universitarios que fueron desafiados a poner su fe en acción, la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl es una de las organizaciones caritativas más antiguas del mundo.

Casi 200 años después, honramos su legado a través de nuestros valores esénciales  de Espiritualidad, Amistad, y Servicio.

Le invitamos a unirse a nuestro movimiento. Si está interesado en obtener más información, envíenos un correo electrónico y le compartiremos cómo puede poner su fe en acción con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl.

Pam Matambanadzo
Encargada del Comité Nacional Multicultural y de Diversidad
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl

¡Fue un placer verlos en Raíces y Alas!! 

¡Fue un placer verlos en Raíces y Alas!!  900 900 SVDP USA

Fue un placer conectarnos con usted en Raíces y Alas, celebrando juntos nuestra alegría y fe católica.

Vicentinos con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl ponemos nuestra fe en acción, siguiendo a Cristo a través del servicio a las personas necesitadas y dando testimonio de Su amor

Somos una red de amigos, inspirados en los valores del Evangelio, creciendo en santidad y construyendo un mundo más justo a través de relaciones personales con y el servicio a las personas necesitadas.

Al igual que el buen samaritano, estamos listos para ayudar a todos, independientemente de su religión, edad u origen.

¿Listo para aprender más sobre cómo puede apoyar nuestra misión? Visite nuestro sitio web y pronto estaremos en contacto.

Dios le bendiga,

Pam Matambanadzo
Presidente del Comité Nacional Multicultural y de Diversidad

Raices y Alas: Roots and Wings

Raices y Alas: Roots and Wings 900 900 SVDP USA

Last week, a delegation of Vincentians met with other Catholics from across the country for the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry’s (NCCHM) in Washington DC for the 6th National Catholic Congress Raíces y Alas. This year’s theme, Prophetic Voices: Being Bridges for a New Era, focused on pastoral responses and initiatives to the ministerial priorities of family, Hispanic youth, social justice, and pastoral formation.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was a proud sponsor of the event, the first time the NCCHM had gathered in person in two years. With about 400 Catholics in attendance, the event was so highly anticipated that registration had to close early, and not all those interested in attending could be accommodated. The National Council blessed to send a delegation of 11 Vincentians, plus CEO Dave Barringer, to represent the Society and also grow and learn at the event.

Their time in Washington DC was busy, including joining with other Catholics from their home states for a day of advocacy visiting lawmakers at the Capitol.

Vincentians were present for a special Mass at the National Basilica, where they were able to visit the Frédéric Ozanam mosaic. Vincentian Rosie Silva exclaimed, “Mass at the Basilica was magnificent! The procession of all religious leaders joining us was humbling to witness.”

There was also time for sharing with other attendees about the Society’s essential elements of spirituality, friendship, and service. National Secretary Guadalupe Sosa shared remarks about the Society in a special address. “As I talked to participants at Raices y Alas, many of them knew about our Society and commented on the great work we do in our communities. When speaking to Raices’s participants and when I speak to others around the country, there is no doubt our Society is highly regarded and respected,” she noted.

Our delegates were also able to explore our nation’s capital, and brought Frédéric Ozanam with them for the journey!

Says Pam Matambanadzo, Chair of the National Multicultural & Diversity Committee, “The whole congress was extremely energizing — I generally do not get the opportunity to meet and interact with young Vincentians as much as I did at Raices y Alas. It was extremely rewarding. My greatest takeaway from the congress was that we need to do better at listening to another, especially the younger generation. We should not be afraid that they will replace us, but rather create a space where we can learn from each other: Raices y Alas — we are the roots and they are our wings.”

Thank you to our delegates for their wonderful work as representatives of the Society, and for sharing your experiences and blessings with the rest of our Vincentian family!

05-20-2021 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

05-20-2021 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 600 685 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has always had a special devotion to the Holy Spirit. We begin many of our meetings with this familiar prayer: “Come, Holy Spirit, live within our lives, and strengthen us by your love. Send forth your Spirit, and new life will be created. And the whole face of the earth shall be renewed.”

Emmanuel Bailly led our founders in a similar prayer at their first meeting in his newspaper office in 1833. The main difference was that they prayed it in Latin.

Since our founding, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has relied upon the Holy Spirit to guide our journey. For the past 188 years we have been asking the Holy Spirit to live within us and strengthen us. We need this loving grace every time we go on our home visits and whenever we work to lift someone out of poverty. Those of us in Servant Leadership positions must ask for such grace regularly. We pray for the new life the Spirit creates, and we await the renewal of the world that this new life brings.

Change is never easy. So why do we pray for it almost every time we meet? Do we really want the whole face of the earth to be renewed? Most of us are pretty comfortable with how things are now. Sure, we are committed to creating a more just society, ending racism and eliminating poverty, but couldn’t we do that without the disrupting the whole face of the earth?

This past year has illustrated that many of the problems with which we have struggled during the pandemic are systemic. Disparities in healthcare, lack of affordable childcare, challenges of workplace safety, difficulty in accessing education – to name just some systemically rooted problems – have all caused extra hardship in the past year. Added to these difficulties, we have had to face the issue of how racism multiplies suffering in many communities.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been talking about the need for systemic change for several years. That desire to renew this world is what inspired our founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam to envision the establishment of a network of charity and social justice encircling the world. We are heirs to that vision.

I appreciate all the resources that have been provided virtually during the past year by our Voice of the Poor Committee and by our Multicultural and Diversity Committee. Each group has helped us focus on these systemic issues. As we come out of this period of isolation, we need to commit to actions that will transform systems that enshrine injustice or promote disparity.

I don’t think it is possible to significantly reform these systems without the Holy Spirit renewing the whole face of the earth. I also believe that change starts with us as individuals. I will need to discover the changes I need to make to participate in a community that is loving and just. As our Rule states, we are journeying together toward holiness. So, this Pentecost, let’s keep praying, “Holy Spirit, live within our lives, and strengthen us by your love.”

Serviens in spe,
Ralph Middlecamp
SVdP National President

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